Following my rather "insane" weekend in Week 12, I took a proper 180 degree turn, and let my body rest. Now, it was far from a complete lack of inactivity, but as far as running goes, I definitely backed off of it. In paste extreme physical events, I have not let my body rest enough afterwards, and it has cost me. Trying to pick up my running schedule as it was before my races tends to be detrimental and prolongs my recovery time, and general feeling of not being at 100%. Truth be told, I probably could have taken it even easier than I did, but I really felt better after a few days, and I didn't want to get out of the habit of running. As it was, I wanted to stay loose without putting too much strain on my worn-out body. I kept the miles low, and the pace slow, and I think that all-in-all it was a good post-race week.
My Week 13 totals were:
Number of Runs Logged: 5
Total miles: 13.8
Time Spent Running: 1 hour, 50 minutes, 57 seconds
Average Pace: 8:02 (min/mile)
With Week 12 down, and my recovery period over, Week 13 was about getting back into running. Now, I wasn't training for any specific race, so my mentality with regards to running, was to merely get my 25 miles. With my longest run in Week 12 being just over 6 miles, I knew I needed to get a couple of longer runs in too. As such, I managed to work in 2 eight-milers (on Wednesday and Sunday). I've noticed that my pace on the runs greater than 8 miles haven't been that great over the past couple of months (really, since I came back from San Antonio). While I had some amazing runs in the colder weather, even before I left, I managed to get a few 8+ mile runs with a faster than 7:30 pace. Since, I been back, that has only happened once. I'm not really sure what the cause is for my slower pace. Slower pace or not, my goal is still to get out and run, which is what I'm doing, and what I did during Week 14. I think the best thing I can do right now is keep at it, and push myself a little harder on the longer runs. I know I'm capable of running faster, I just need to do it. Regardless, I met my goal in Week 14.
My Week 14 totals were:
Number of Runs Logged: 6
Total miles: 26.1
Time Spent Running: 3 hours, 19 minutes, 21 seconds
Average Pace: 7:38 (min/mile)
That brings my "as of" totals to:
Number of Runs Logged: 72
Total miles: 426.5
Time Spent Running: 55 hours, 34 minutes, 54 seconds
Average Pace: 7:49 (min/mile)
REFLECTION TIME: At the start of the 2011 I had one BIG goal in mind (run 1200 miles), but I also had smaller goals to help me along my way such as completing my first Olympic Triathlon (20 Feb), and of course my Insane XTERRA/Guam Marathon Weekend (26-27 March). With both of those events over, and the year not even 1/3 of the way over, the question now is:
"HOW DO I STAY MOTIVATED?" While I still have my 1200 mile goal, the monotony of running can take it's toll on even the most dedicated of runners. Although I love the challenge, I am far from a dedicated runner (at least as I see myself). I suppose as with any long-term goal, you have to have smaller goals a long the way to serve as "check points". There are still several triathlons scheduled for the year, so hopefully that will keep my focused on staying on top of my running game. As for other events, I just need to keep my eyes open, and be ready to try something new.